Thursday, 14 May 2009


A series of images of an abandoned petrol filling station, unused since the late 1990s.

Empty 1


Empty 3

Empty 4

Empty 5

Empty 6

Empty 7

Empty 8

Empty 9

Empty 10

Empty 11

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Exposures 1 (white/black)

A small series of images made quickly, exploring the transition of photographic white to photographic black.

All images are of the same white wall shot at the same aperture, with exposure times of between 1/5th second and 1/2500 second and all as they came out of the camera. RGB not greyscale.

This is by no means a finished work- merely the beginning in fact- I will be working towards getting more even colouration throughout my images.

Exposure 1.1

Exposure 1.2

Exposure 1.3

Exposure 1.4

Exposure 1.5

Exposure 1.6

Exposure 1.7

Exposure 1.8

Exposure 1.9

Exposure 1.10


My photography is fundamentally concerned with the exploration of the urban landscape, and the relationship of people with their environment.  It is my belief that our surroundings offer the opportunity for us to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary society and our place within it.

Technically, my photography focuses on using my understanding of the limits of the stills camera to create engaging, alluring imagery.  Using available light and exposure techniques to my benefit, I aim to create visually stimulating images which force us into a discourse with the environment we inhabit.

New Exposures is an outlet for the flow of new ideas and projects.  The exploration of spaces, ideas and theories.